Sunday, August 28, 2011

Lower Manhattan WIP

Armed with Google Earth and Google's 3D warehouse I was able to assemble a model of lower Manhattan and upper Brooklyn relatively quickly.  Here is a work in progress.  A few key buildings missing as well as the tons of extra cars and people I need to find a way to animate, but it looks pretty good from this angle.  I wanted to avoid creating a cityscape altogether but in the end I gave in, compelled to do so by the cinematic doors it would open.  Oh yes, I am going to milk this for all its worth :)

Friday, August 19, 2011

Ambriel 3D Robot Animation Test

Ambriel the robot character is finished.  Textures & rig recently being completed.  Here is a quick 3 second animation test:

I am creating a full CG environment of lower Manhattan complete with Brooklyn Bridge and Brooklyn as well.  Google Earth came in real handy for this.  Pics in a week or two.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Ambriel is wrapping up its texturing phase, rigging is the next stage.  Production fell behind a bit due to an unexpected busy work schedule for the past three months, but I am taking time off to kick back into production of Aeon Angel.  Perhaps the most important thing is to start cranking out shots.  My 3-D camera broke too, one of the cameras isn't functioning, I wonder how much is it going to cost to get it fixed?  I still have some new scenes to shoot.  It's cold right now, so will take some time to let it warm up before shooting again.  There are a lot of 3D movies out now, and even commercials are being produced stereoscopically.  I would like to use this film as a call card to get in on some of the action.

Because I'll have more time to focus on this short, I think much of my time will be spent animating and rendering.